Crafting games free 应用

Pixel Block Gun 3d 1.0
♛♛♛ Pixel Block Gun 3d ♛♛♛The city of Pixelmon is in a really big danger. The streets arefull of different criminals, felons, robbers and burglars. Yourtask is thus very clear, but surely not easy. You have to cleanthis city from these dangerous elements and you have to be a truepixelmon survival of course. So you were not totally defenseless,you can choose you pixel gun. You can choose from several weapons.Pick AK-47 or Scorpion and become a skilled shooter. Or you canpick a knife, machete, hammer axe etc. The city is divides intoseveral parts, when in each part you have to solve differentsituations. In the living zone for example, there was found thebody, but no one knows, what happened. Also at the gas station,there is o big heist, that you must avoid. In the middle of thecity is situated a big park, wich is also full of streetpickpockets, so you would have really a lot of work.♛ Dangerous city life♛ Pixel games online♛ Many useful weapons♛ Solving crimes♛♛♛ How To Play ♛♛♛- Pick your favourite weapon- Defend the citizens- Try to survive- Buid the barriers- Shoot your enemies
Jurassic craft - dino hunter 1.2
♛♛♛ Jurrassic craft - dino hunter ♛♛♛Start out the journey to the times, when the world was inhabited bylarge reptailes. The world, you know only from movies, you canexperience on your own skin. Everything is well prepared for youand it is only up tou you, if you can survive. You encounter manyspecies of dinosaurus, while some of them are really small andsweet. However, there are also species, which are not so sweet.These dinosaurs are still hungry and you can be their potencionalprey. Therefore, you have to be very carefull during exploration ofthis jurassic world. To start you should build some cabin, whereyou can hide yourself before these bloodthirsty creatures. If youcan survive, you can become a great dino hunter. Concurrently youcan modify this world according your imagination. You can pick frommany types of unique and typical blocks for this period like magma,rocks, stone etc.¨♛ Unique models of dinosaurs♛ Excellent graphics♛ Many types of blocks♛ Well prepared world♛♛♛ How to play ♛♛♛- Build a cabine- Explore the word- Be aware of dinosaurs- Become a dino hunter- Survive
Tutorial for Minecraft 1.0
★★★ Tutorial for Minecraft ★★★You appear in the far north, where there is almost nothing butdesolte snowy plains. For the start, you have prepared an amazingbig farmhouse, according which you can build other houses andcabins. You can take it as a minecraft tutorial to build otherbuildings in a similar way. Downstairs you can find a space forworkshop and in first floor, there is an actual place for living.Of course, if you want, you can rebuild the house, add next floors,all is only about your imagination. Then it would be good to beginexploration and crafting around the house. There you will findanother smaller building, which serves as a stable for horses orother farm animals. Even though there is very cold, you can findhere some plants, which you can use as a raw material. Everythingelse is just about you, so let´s become an explorer of this hugefree world.★ Awesome graphics★ Prepared surroundings★ Games for kids★ Craft game★★★ How To Play ★★★- Learn to build- Explore far north- Plant the specific flowers- Take care of your animals- Survive the winter
Dino craft free 1.0
✔✔✔ Dino craft free ✔✔✔Dinosaurs are very interesting animals, but also very dangerous.You appear on the island, which is full of these creatures. Yourtask is very simple. You are a famous dino hunter and you have tocatch as much dinosaurs as possible. You have available someweapons as a knive, axe, hammer, but also Scorpion or AK-47. Inthis "jurassic park" you have also constructed storey cabin, whreyou can hide at night for example. Besides dinosaurs you can meethere also other animals like big spiders or scorpions. These arealso very dangerous and it is better to kill them. Can you survivein this dangerous world? Lets go for it!✔ Prepared jurassic world✔ Many models of dinosaurs✔ Specific prehistoric plants✔ Special hunting weapons✔✔✔ How To Play ✔✔✔- Build a fortification- Kill dangerous spiders- Hunt dinosaurs
Crafting games free 1.0
✔✔✔ Crafting Games Free ✔✔✔Have you ever been in any war zone? In this mini game you get tothe Far East, where there is a war conflict between two parties.Military base, which can be reached, will offer you many options.For example, there is a training zone, where you can see thesoldiers preparing for a battle. They have available targetpractice, a place for exercices etc. Then you can go to manke anexploration of military war machines like helicopters, tanks orarmored vehicles. The military base is located in the large desert,so the sand is really everywhere. It also gives you the option toexpand the base, build new tents, hangars, dormitories for troops,a field hospital, just what you want or need. Once you will beready, you can try to go right to the war field and help yourallies to win the conflict.✔ Military world✔ Unique war models✔ Many options to expand✔ Free world for you✔✔✔ How To Play ✔✔✔- Access training- Build the base- Use the war machines- Go to the field- Win the conflict